• Organic Foods: What You Need To Be Aware Of

    Chai Latte


    Organic refers specifically to how agricultural products are grown and processed. The regulations differ from country to country organic crops are required to be grown with no use of pesticides, herbicides, synthetic chemicals, and fertilizers, or bioengineered genetics (GMOs).

    Organic livestock raised for meat, eggs and dairy products should be kept in a living environment accommodating their natural behaviors (such as the ability to graze on grass) and fed organic feed and forage. They cannot be given growth hormones or antibiotics.

    Organic food has many benefits

    Your mental and emotional well-being and that of the environment, can be affected by how your food is raised. People who are allergic to preservatives, chemicals and foods may notice an improvement or disappearance of symptoms when they consume organic moringa powder.

    Organic produce is less prone to pesticides. Conventional agriculture makes use of a wide range of chemicals, which includes synthetic fungicides and herbicides. The residues of these chemicals can be left on the food we eat.

    Organic food is typically fresher since it does not contain preservatives that make it last longer. Organic produce is sometimes (but it's not always, so watch the source) made in smaller farms closer to the place where it's sold.

    Organic farming generally is healthier for the environment. Organic Turmeric Powder farming practices can help reduce pollution and water consumption, as well as reduce erosion of soil, boost soil fertility, and use less energy. Organic farming without synthetic pesticides is better for nearby birds and animals and for people who live near farms.

    Organically-raised animals are not treated with growth hormones, antibiotics, or fed animal byproducts. The consumption of animal byproducts from livestock increases the risk of mad cow disease (BSE) and the use of antibiotics could cause antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria to develop. Animals raised organically are provided with more room to move around and have access to the outdoors, which helps to keep their health.

    Certain nutrients may be more abundant in organic milk and organic meat as compared to other milk and meat products. Results from a European study show that levels of certain essential nutrients, like omega-3 fats, were up 50 percent more in organic milk and meat than those raised conventionally.



    Organic food is free of GMOs. Genetically Modified Organisms (GMOs) or genetically engineered (GE) food products are plants that have their DNA altered in ways that cannot occur naturally or in traditional crossbreeding. Typically, this is in order to make them resistant to pesticides or the production of an insecticide.

    Knowing GMOs

    GMOs and their impact on the environment and on health are the subject of constant debate. Most of the time, GMOs are engineered to produce food crops that are intolerant to herbicides or to create an insecticide.

    GMOs are also prevalent in U.S. crops such as alfalfa, soybeans, squash, zucchiniand papaya, and canola, and are present in many breakfast cereals as well as in a lot of the processed foods we eat. If the ingredients on an item include soy lecithin or corn syrup likely to contain GMOs.

    Organic is a synonym for pesticide-free?

    One of the main advantages that organic food provides moringa powder, as mentioned is the lesser use of pesticides. However, despite popular belief, organic farms do use pesticides. Organic farms employ only natural pesticides and not synthetic pesticides as are used in commercial farms. While natural pesticides are less harmful than synthetic ones however, certain pesticides have been proven to have health hazards. That said, your exposure to pesticides that are harmful will likely be reduced when you consume organic food.

    Dhow Nature Foods

    35 Distinction Road,

    Wangara WA,


    Call Us: +61 863050822


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